Saturday, February 16, 2008


Just before I left Dominica, we visited a friend who lives at the edge of the rain forest. We stood on the veranda on that day of goodbyes and watched parrots exploring the nearby trees. I have always felt privileged to see the brilliant colors of these birds, but this encounter was also a nostalgic moment, since I knew I would not see the parrots, or my friends, for a while.

Up here, I have been staying at my brother's posh lakefront vacation home. The lake at my door, (actually not my door, since I don't own a door yet) is lovely even though it is showing a wintery face. Yesterday, I was gazing at the mist rising from the lake, when an eagle flew by. The huge wingspan of this bird was breathtaking, but apparently this is not an unusual sight here. The Bro says they hang out near the lake to feed at the dam and spillway on fish stunned as they tumble over.

So the parrots came to say goodbye, and the eagle said hello. There is a nice symmetry to that.

I also heard some geese and watched them in flight as I drove through the rolling rural countryside. I am surprised how beautiful I find my surroundings these days, since previously I could not see much to appreciate in a winter landscape. Perhaps it is the evocative familiarity of it all. Perhaps it is the ease of being back in this culture, speaking this language, where every nuance is familiar. I don't know. But I am so comfortable being here. It feels like coming home after a difficult journey.

And the promise of my own home glimmers just over the horizon. My door. My floor. Bricks and mortar have become so important to me.

Meanwhile, Mr. Wizard is still down island meeting with attorneys, talking to shipping companies, and doing his part to bring closure to this island chapter of our lives.

leavingdominica: on the zero to ten repatriation regret scale, I am still at zero.


Unknown said...

I thought you didn't like the fact that the birds here crapped on your laundry ;)

Tom said...

Don't forget to drop us a line now and then. After all we came for Dominica, but stayed for the Jen.

Jen Miller said...

Ah, Tom. I fell ill with the terrible 'flu that is rampant up here. I've been coughing too hard to type for a couple of weeks now.

BTW, Mr. Rasta passed away. I did put a note on LivingDominica about him, and you can see his beautiful smile...